Unfortunately, the monkey's friend fish got caught in his net. As usual, the monkey came to meet that fish and got very upset seeing it trapped in the net. The fish asked the monkey to help him to get out of the net. Otherwise the fisherman will catch him and take him away. The monkey promised the fish that he would not let anything happen to him. Everyone is aware that the brains of the monkeys are very sharp. He immediately got an idea how he could save his friend's life.
He went near the fisherman and picked up his bag of money and climbed up on the tree. When the fisherman came to him asking for his bag of money, the monkey said, “First, take my friend out of your net”. The fisherman refused. He did not agree and the monkey threw his money bag in the river. The crocodile picked it up and kept it with him because he too was listening to everything. The fisherman starts crying, my this month's earnings are thrown in the river. The monkey said, still leave my friend, he will return your money as soon as you leave him. Then the fisherman freed the fish. The fish asked for the bag from the crocodile and he gave it to the fisherman. The monkey told the fisherman not to come to that area ever. The fisherman went away from there and never came again. Then the monkey, crocodile and fish all started living happily.
This story teaches us that a real friend is the one who helps you in your bad times and gets you out of trouble.
Thank you.
Written by : Anjaneya Tewari